Sunday, February 5, 2012

15 Beauty & Health Uses For Baking Soda

Helps Soothe
Last week’s tip list for using baking soda around the home was a big hit, here’s another list for ways to use it for beauty & health…
  1. Homemade Deodorant: Make a quick and easy powder deodorant with 1 part baking soda, 1 part cornstarch and tea tree oil. Combine ingredients and mix well, store in airtight container. Source: Homemade Deodorant Recipes.
  2. Cold Sores Remedy: Treat cold sores by dabbing with baking soda. Source: Cold Sore Tips.
  3. Blackhead Remover: 50/50 Baking Soda & Water. Use gently on your skin as an exfoliator. Source: Easy Food Facials.
  4. Homemade Toothpaste: 1 tsp baking soda mixed with 1/4 tsp hydrogen peroxide. Mix into paste then brush teeth. Source: Homemade Toothpaste, Mouthwash & Teeth Whiteners. Here’s another: Make your own homemade toothpaste with 1/4 cup Vegetable Glycerin + 1/4 cup Baking Soda + 10 to 15 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil (food grade).
  5. Nausea Remedy: 1/2 tsp Baking soda in glass of warm water (not for pregnant women because of the high salt content). Source: 12 Home Remedies for Nausea.
  6. Sunburn Relief: Fill a spray bottle with cool water and dissolve 1/4 cup baking soda. Spritz on burned skin for relief. Source: Sunburn Relief Home Remedies – Over 50 Soothing Treatments.
  7. Dry Elbows Fix: Mix fresh lemon juice and baking soda to make a thick paste, apply to dry elbows. Gently rub in to exfoliate the skin and leave to sit for about 15 minutes. Wash off and apply a moisturizer or Vaseline. Source: Dry Elbow Home Remedies & Treatments.
  8. Poison Ivy Remedy For Itch Relief: Baking soda bath (use lots of baking soda, hot water). Source: Poison Ivy Home Remedy For Itch Relief.
  9. Canker Sores: Sprinkle baking soda onto sore or make a paste of baking soda and water then apply. You can also rinse your mouth with a strong baking soda and water solution. Source: Home Remedies For Canker Sores.
  10. Wasp & Bee Stings (Mosquito Bites Too): Kill the pain of wasp stings dead by making a thick paste of baking soda and water then apply to sting. Same trick helps with bee stings and mosquito bites (for itch relief). Sources: Wasp Stings: Treatments & Home Remedies and 15 Bee Sting Home Remedies & Tips and Over 40 Mosquito Bite Itch Relief Tips.
  11. Wart Home Remedy: Looking for a simple home remedy to get rid of warts? Try White Household Vinegar & Baking Soda: Sprinkle a heavy coat of baking soda on the wart then drizzle vinegar over it. Do this once in the morning and once at night until wart is gone. Source: 50 Wart Home Remedies & Treatments.
  12. Soothe Toothaches: Ease toothache pain with Baking Soda: Take a cotton swab and moisten it with a bit of water, dip it in baking soda (coat the swab really well with baking soda) then rub into tooth and gums until pain subsides. You can also make a mouth rinse by mixing a heaping spoonful of baking soda in a small glass of lukewarm to warm water, dissolve the soda then swish the mixture in your mouth around the sore tooth. Source: 25 Toothache Remedies For Pain Relief.
  13. Heartburn Relief: Suffering from heartburn? Use baking soda and water to neutralize stomach acid (this remedy should only be used moderately, regular use could dramatically increase your salt intake since baking soda is high in salt). Mix 1/2 tsp to 1 tsp of baking soda per glass of water. Because of the high salt content in baking soda, pregnant women shouldn’t use this remedy. Source: 12 Heartburn Remedies Plus Causes & Prevention Tips.
  14. Sore Throat Relief: Relieve a sore throat by mixing 1/2 teaspoon of each baking soda and salt with a 1/2 cup of warm water and gargle a few times each day. Source: 12 Simple Sore Throat Remedies.
  15. Tooth Whitener: Brighten your smile with strawberries & baking soda. First mash a fresh strawberry and add about a tsp of baking soda. Spread on toothbrush and rub strawberry mash onto teeth. Leave for a couple minutes then brush teeth clean. Rinse mouth well. Source: 12 Simple Beauty Hacks From The Kitchen.
Note: These are simply home remedies I’ve collected, they’re not professional medical advice.

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